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Manifest X-He IS the Way

Have you ever considered that in all the history of Christendom, believers have steadfastly professed their belief, dedication, and even “love” for Jesus. Indeed, and in deed, stressed their piety and devotion to the Head of the Church and His word, the Bible. It has been done with such extreme passion that “folks have committed the most heinous crimes in order to prove their piety.

I wonder why that is and how the world is supposed to “come to Jesus” when the very people who say that they “know Him”, make Him look so bad.

Could it be that we, the church, have been led astray? Could it be that we have it all wrong? Could it be that we are actually being misled?

What ever your response, the actual answer is obviously clear. If the church (whatever that means), really understood and represented Christ, more people would have a more favorable opinion of Him and the religion that claims His name and title.

Theologians, saints, clergymen, and other do-gooders have sought to explain God to the rest of us. And in many instances, the message that God meant should warm our hearts and souls, has often been the source of anxiety, stress, fear, and depression. The message that is meant to draw humanity to its Redeemer drives us to alienation of His other children or away from Him altogether.

The Gospel is not supposed to have that effect. The real Gospel cannot have that effect.

The purpose of this blog is to get you to think about things in ways that you may not have done before. It is not my intention to show you the “truth”. That’s up to the Holy Spirit. As the writer of this blog I make no claims of piety, saintliness, or anything other than being a common sinner with innumerable faults and failings.